
Creating a flagship concept store for the brand, that would redefine the retail experience. A true destination store that would turn trying into buying and brand strategy into a powerful brand experience.


The Design Brief from the client was to development a store experience that would challenge the conventions of 'phone retailing'. The intent was to move from the traditional retail experience, to a customer-centric retail experience – less about the brand, and more about the customer.

The idea was “Our products & services in your world”, and it drove a space made up of the zones that people found themselves in every day – home, office & on the move – with a café and a talk zone to flesh out the experience.

Providing a retail space that ‘empowers people to try’ and amplifies the joy of ‘user discovery’ by creating a hands-on learning experience. The result was a space that felt welcoming, but that also encouraged the customer to be comfortable in exploring Spark products in the frame of mind they would be using them.


The store consistently showed the highest average sale per customer of all Spark’s 32 retail stores in Auckland and took out the Home Group category at the 2011 Red Awards.

A Wellington store based on the same concept has also be open in Willes St.

The store made it onto the WAN Retail Interiors Award ‘long list’, won Gold at the 2011 BeST Awards in the Retail Environment category, was Home Group Winner at the 2011 NZRIA RED Awards and featured on VMSD online and the August 2011 cover of VMSD magazine. (The world’s leading retail design magazine.)


Undertaken while Creative Director at Gascoigne Studio - also see Awards